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Graduation Pathways and Career Planning

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At BHS, every student is expected to choose a path to graduation from the Triple E approach: Enroll, Employ, Enlist. That entails:

  1. Academic Honors or Technical Diploma by selecting a Graduation Pathway
  2. Demonstrate Employability Skills to pursue a career or college.
  3. Demonstrate Post-Secondary Competencies: Honors, CTE pathway, CTE certification, ACT/SAT score

Please scroll through the resources on the right to see the opportunities that are available through Bluffton High School.

Indiana College Core at BHS

Maximizing AP Courses and Dual Credit

During a livestreamed parent/student meeting on April 2, 2024, BHS Principal Steve Baker and School Counselor Sebastian Baxter walked through what Indiana College Core will look like starting during the 2024-25 school year.

View the slides from the April 2 parent meeting